Company guidelines

From ZUP to SIP
As early as 1991, the General Management decided to provide the leadership of the company – which had grown considerably since the beginning and even had a production site abroad in the meantime – with a scope for further development. The target setting and planning process (ZUP), in which not only the General Management, but also the rest of the company’s managers took part, was called into being.
The first step and basis for this forward-looking approach was the creation of company guidelines. These guidelines have with few modifications and updates remained in place until today, and will continue to be used in the future.
ninka ® company guidelines
The customer has top priority and sets the standard for our thinking and actions.
We are an internationally aligned company.
We see ourselves fundamentally as an industry supplier with a focus on the furniture sector.
We develop, produce and market plastic products – in all refinement stages – and their accessories, as well as the moulds, equipment and methods required for their manufacturing.
We place the highest demands on the quality of our products, services and methods and work on continuous improvement.
Through innovative products and methods, we want to achieve, secure and expand a leading position in technology, function and design.
The variety of our customers and our independence from individual industries encourage our entrepreneurial flexibility.
The economic independence of our activities shall be retained. Our Advisory Board represents the rights of the shareholders. The management function is assumed by the holding and operating companies.
We take responsibility for our shareholders and employees for delivering consistently good and reliable returns, in order to ensure the future for the business and securing jobs.
We promote the dedication and motivation of our employees through extensive communication and the targeted transfer of responsibilities and decision-making scope. Our cooperation is target and decision oriented.
We recognize the importance of a positive work environment for our employees and act accordingly. Our business premises fulfil legal environmental protection regulations and guarantee a high degree of occupational safety and health protection.
We acknowledge our responsibility for the environment and handle energy, raw materials and other resources sparingly and carefully as early as the development phase of new products and methods. We are continuously improving our environmental performance.

Dynamics create technological lead
To emphasize the strategic component of our company development even more strongly, the successful management development process was renamed in 2007 to Strategic Integration Process (SIP), which continues through to today and is worked out in an annual management workshop.